Tuesday, May 31, 2016

History of Milad-un-Nabi

Eid Milad un Nabi is not actually an ‘Eid’ decreed on the Muslims, but a choice based celebration made on the birth day of Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH).
Muhammad PBUH was born on 12 Rabiul awal. Muslims around the sub continent celebrate this prestigious day with great zeal. Many tend to send halwa (muslim sweet dish) to neighbours and friends while others fast on this day.
Though, considered a bidat in religion by some scholars, the actual date of celebration of Milad un Nabi vary from scholar to scholar.
As per Islamic Supreme Council Dot Com, “The oldest source that mentions a public commemoration of the Mawlid is in Ibn Jubayr’s (540-614) Rihal (“Travels”), p. 114-115:
But if we take Shariah (Quran, ahadith and Ashaab) as the sole guidance for muslims, neither there is any specific mention that states the celebration is prohibited.
Therefore, muslims are divided on the topic.
Few sects of muslims prefer to celebrate the precious day with zeal, while others prefer to pray silently. Interestingly, both can be followed by younger muslims as the actions for the deeds will only be answered by Allah himself.
What to do on Eid Milad un Nabi?
   1.Remember poor people: Give them food to eat if you can, instead of sending that halwa to your neighbor – they can make their own halwas.
   2.Pray for humanity: Pay to Allah for a better world
   3.Try to learn more islam: The best way to learn Islam is by reading books yourself. Remember, if you listen to one Islamic scholar, you will go one side, another scholar will say something else. In the end, it is best to derive your own conclusion in the light of what you have learned.
Finally, Eid Milad un Nabi can be said as a day of celebration, and it is celebrated in many countries of all over the world. 
If you want to listen Online Naats on the eve of Eid Milad-un-Nabi ,please visit our website.

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